It's Flip Flop and Strappy Sandal Season!

It's that time of year where we walk on sandy beaches or take a stroll in the park or  at the malls wearing our cute flip flops or strappy sandals.  So, what does that mean? We have to have our feet in check, don't want to look  like we have been kicking flour. Lol!!  We have to Moisturize, Moisturize, and Moisturize...don't you agree?

I love using my Ped egg it gets rid of the excess dry skin making  heels smooth and soft. (Don't scrape too much off now)  Sometimes you might have to use a callous remover. This item should be used with care as you can hurt yourself while you are removing the callous. Use the plane to gently cut off the dead, thick skin on the callous so that it can be rubbed with a moisturizer to prevent the hard regrowth of the callous.  (I found my callous remover at Dollar Tree)

As far as moisturisers I haven't found a staple yet.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I hope you enjoyed this post now let's start wearing our flip flops and sandals...Whose jumping in the pool?
Have a great nail polish day (^_^) 


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