Helpful Hints for New Bloggers

I want to share some tidbits on blogging.  These are just my opinions/suggestions.  I hope they are helpful too you.  (✿◠‿◠)

1. Be friendly and be yourself

2. Post often and be patient

3.  Follow and comment on other blogs to get your name out there.  This way bloggers will follow you. If you don't comment on other blogs how can you expect comments on your blog.

4. Don't leave your blog link when you comment on other blogs.  It's a bloggers pet peeve  because it's like stealing from them.  It took time and work for them to get all there followers. In time you will have lots of followers too. You can email the blogger and simply ask them to take a look at your blog. 

5.  Try to be creative as much as you can.  

6. Clean up those cuticles so you can have pretty pictures to look at.  See how to here

7. Have giveaways for your followers to show your appreciation for them taking the time to comment and follow you.  It also help others to find your blog and this promotes new followers for you.

8. Share your skills

9.  Ask questions to get your followers involve and always respond to comments.  If you can't respond to all  just simply say "Thanks".

10.  Have fun!  that's what it's all about ...happy blogging

If you have any other tidbits please share.

I'll put this post on my left side bar under 'Useful Links''

Until next time please have a great nail polish day. (✿◠‿◠) Share/Bookmark

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