Newspaper nails

 First things first....I have 69 followers heheheheheheheeeeeeehehehttteeeeeeeeehehehe I am  massive child.

I apologise for the lack of post over the past few days I've been ill/sorting out a giveaway details (which you should expect in the next few days!) and I made a massive faux pas last night. I'll probably do more than one post today to make it up to you :)

I was getting really fed up waiting or my nails to grow, and tired of them splitting, so I thought I'd apply some falsies, just for a bit of fun and to see how they would look. Now, I'm just beginning my journey of nail discovery and, save for being 13, haven't used cheap false nails before. They looked alright when they were on, but they weren't a perfect fit, and I hated the polish job I did on them - time to come off. I soaked and soaked and soaked them in nail polish remover but still ended up having to prise them off - taking half of my natural nail with them! My nails are now a weak peely state and I've ordered some proper strengthener to help them recover! It was such a silly thing to do when I didn't even need them on at the moment, and the irony is, now I do because my natural nails look a state!!
For this reason I am going to show you a manicure from "the vault", as it were, a stash of manicure photos I never really meant to post, but you might still appreciate.
I was trawling blogs (as I spend a lot of my time doing!) and came across Orlica's Newspaper Nail Tutorial over at Confessions of a Polishaholic which got me thinking - could ACTUAL newspaper be used for a Manicure, rather than using her method of soaking sheets in vodka and transferring the print onto the nail?  Vodka is far too precious to me to waste.
I found out that yes, yes it could:

The very fist Mani that made me stop biting my nails!
Now, I also learnt the hard way that you cannot get these nails wet...they are made of paper don't you know. Don't shower afterwards...DUH. In this aspect, the "fake it" version is definitely better!I had to try this though! :P
  Also, check out my funky shorts from  Forever 21 - too early for summer shopping.....NEEEEHHHH!!!!
Wish my legs looked like that though hahaah

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