Versatile Blogger award!

Well, isn't this a lovely suprise! It feels like the online Oscars, I'm blogging in my ball-gown (dressing-gown).
Yesterday the lover-ly Rachel over at IloveLeopardPrint nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award Woooo!
Thank you very much my Darl, it means a lot to me that you like my little ramblings so much to pick me! Here we are, its not quite a golden trophy, but I'll cherish it as if it were!
As part of this award, I am to share 7 facts about myself, so here they are:
  1. I am very lucky to have wonderful friends in my life, both at university and at home, they mean the world to me but my best friend in the whole world is my younger brother Ed. He is 18, and just fantastic. I miss him everyday and it breaks my little heart that we won't be living in our childhood house together forever!!
  2. I am in a constant ongoing battle with my weight - I just love sweet things and hate the gym - is that a crrriimmmee?!?!?!
  3. I have a crippling fear of disappointing my parents. If I ever aim accomplish anything in this world, it will be to make them proud of me.
  4. I <3 MY BED. I live in a grimey student flat, (crackden-esque is totally an interior design style) and therefore don't have a proper bed - it's just two double matresses stacked on top of eachother, and its like sleeping in a giant marshmallow. LOVE IT.
  5. I am unlucky in love.
  6. I live for the summer, and I can't tell you how much happier I am in myself when the sun is shining! I think I may have mild Seasonal Affective Disorder! The only thing I DON'T like about summer, is that you have to wear less clothes! I hate winter but I love wrapping in a jumper - I'm a big ol' Freak o' Nature, I know.
  7. I'm really glad I took the plunge and started this blog and am super grateful to each and every follower who support me every day! It's a joy to come on the Internet and see your input! Thanks for sticking around, you big lumps of loveliness.
Right! Since I am a new blogger, I am going to nominate 5 people for this award, rather than the suggested 15, because I simply don't think I've gotten around to following over 15 people properly!! I would nominate Rachel, but as we know she has received it twice already this week, and was the one who nominated me! In no particular order...
  1. Leslie at Nail Polish Art Addiction
  2. Katie at Badgers and Buttons
  3. Enamel Girl
  4. Stacie at Kawaii Nail Art
  5. Katrina at Katrina's Nail Blog
So yaaaaaay there they are! Each and every one of these blogs is utterly fantastic, I love reading them all, and they all deserve some recognition :D

Also, my best friend Sara has just started her own blog (at my persuasion :P)! She is Beautiful, Witty, Hilarious, Intelligent and Insightful and I can't wait to hear what she has to say :) Check her out, you wont be disappointed.


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