Seeing Spots

Sorry for the missing posts the past few days. Halloween costume making took up all day yesterday. When it was time to hit the bars, I was barely finishing the costume. It turned out great though, and I'll post pictures of it tomorrow.

For today, I painted something I've been thinking about for a while. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, which I partially blame on having short nails. I also blame it on taping the wrong side of my nail. Oh well, here it is.

As you can see, it got a little blotchy at the base of my nails. I'm wishing I had just left it with the stamp, and not the additional black bottom. It was a little too ambitious.

In the picture below, you'll see my nails painted in the opposite way. The top half of my nails are adorned in black on my right hand, which looks a little more sexy. As I'm typing this, I'm favoring my right hand. If I had done it on my left hand, it would've looked better for sure. I'm not ambidextrous, but I'm working on that.
Should've wrapped those tips huh?
It still turned out okay though, I can't beat myself up too much. You're seeing Black on Black (Sinful Colors) as the stamp on top of Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri Lightening. (It actually is spelled that way...not like lightning that comes during tumultuous thunder storms.)

Overall, pretty tasty, but it looks a little too leopard print. The image on the plate (BM 211) doesn't come across that way, but it's probably the color combination that's turning it into that. Oh well, enjoy, and keep an eye out for my costume post.

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