Colour Club Holiday Splendor

When I first got the Color Club Beyond the Mistletoe collection, this is the first one I put on.  Holiday Splendor.  It's the only one in the collection that has a tinted base together with the holographic glitter.

This is such a beautiful polish.  Seriously.  It is beautiful.  You are guaranteed to get comments on your nails when you wear this polish.  

This was two coats, over Nail Tek II foundation, then four layers of top coat. Color Club top coat that came with the set, Ulta3 non-chip, Gelous and Seche Vite.  Once it had totally dried, it was still a bit textured and not 100% smooth.  I think some of the other swatches I've seen of this must be taken when the top coat is still wet, to get that amazing glossy finish.  Just be warned, these are gritty. Just like the Nubar Sparkles.

It's hard to capture the holographic goodness of the glitter in photos. In the shade you don't see the multi-coloured sparkle, but then in the sun my camera spazzes out and doesn't show any sparkle either.

Here it is in the sun.

Holiday Splendor is very similar to China Glaze Atlantis.  The only real difference is that the jelly base in Atlantis is slightly darker.

The other thing I only noticed today is that Blogger has updated the comments section and it now allows individual replies to each comment.  Have I been under a rock and not noticed this for weeks, or is it just really new?  Either way, YAY, I've always wanted to reply to individual comments and had considered going to another comment plugin.  So expect to receive replies for as long as I can keep up with them.

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