Lynderella - The Telltale Heart

This here is Lynderella's The Telltale Heart.. Once again, it's a truly amazing polish and a fabulous colour, but to be perfectly honest, it really isn't a me colour. 

When I was looking for undies to wear under this polish, I noticed that this was basically the exact same shade of glitter as Nubar Petunia Sparkle, so if you like that polish, you will love this.

The Telltale Heart has magenta/fuchsia squares, hexagons and micro glitter in pink tinted base.  I also noticed a definite blue sparkle in the tinted base. This was two coats over Ulta3 Sunset Pink.  I'm not convinced I got the right undies for this. I needed something more blue than just a fuchsia based pink I think.

And in other news, I got my first two Helmers today.  We don't have an IKEA in Canberra, the nearest is in Sydney.  They cost $129 there.  But if I ordered through the Adelaide shop online, they were only $79 each + postage.  Sure the postage was a bit hefty, but they still cost less than buying them from Sydney, and I didn't need to drive anywhere.

They arrived this morning, and this afternoon I opened up Kaz's guide to building you Helmer, and I was done building both of them in just over an hour. Whoo Hoo.  Now just to label the drawers and I'm all done.

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