Beauty Joint haul of Kleancolor metallics

Here is my haul of Kleancolors I got from Beauty Joint.  Thanks to Carli who showed us her haul of kleancolors and specifically some of the metallics in the range, I had to buy them all.

Ok, so this first one here isn't a metallic, its 'Coffee Addict', but I loved the look of the colour and thought it could easily squeeze into the metallic collection. In fact I got it instead of Metallic White, because I just didn't think it would do it for me. These are quick crappy pictures taken with a flash because of the gray watery sky outside.  The bottle pics here are over exposed and washed out, but the swatches on my nail sticks are more colour accurate.

Colours above: Coffee Addict, Metallic Pink, Metallic Mango, Metallic Orange, Metallic Red, Metallic Yellow.

Colours below: Metallic Green, Metallic Aqua, Metallic Sapphire, Metallic Fuschia, Metallic Purple, Metallic Black.

I've read about some trouble other bloggers have had with their Beauty Joint orders, specifically where caps were not on tight and the polish leaked and then having issues with getting bottle replaced etc.  Maybe they are now making more of an effort to ensure the caps are on nice and tight and suitably packaged, because mine was perfectly wrapped in multiple layers of bubble wrap and all caps on very tight.

I'm still wearing and swatching my new Oztoics/Chemistry's, and I'm determined to try them all before I try these.  But I have to say that there really are spectacular and I love that I was able to get every colour in this metallic range at such an affordable price - $1.75 US, which was even cheaper with the Aussie dollar conversion.

The colours are really saturated and bright and some of these were one coaters on my nail sticks.  I can see them being ok for stamping and really great for nail art. 

We're seeing Kleancolors all over blogs at the moment, I think all because of Beauty Joint.  As far as I could see they were the first company to sell Kleancolors that shipped internationally and they are selling them for only $1.75. Their bottle pics on the ordering page is also very good and helps in choosing colours.  So, from me, thank you Beauty Joint. I'm very tempted to get some more after No Buy July is over, I just wish their shipping wasn't quite as expensive now.

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