Fun Sunday: another nail tag

Hello lovelies and happy Sunday! Sorry for slacking off again from last week's post. I wasn't really in the mood for posting last week end. Today I have another nail tag. It's been almost 2 months since I did this nail tag and now I have been tagged by Rachel-Karina from Polished Criminails to do another one. Some questions are similar to the first one, but that way you can see what has changed (polish count especially). So let's begin! 

Here are the rules
1.  Answer 10 questions
2.  Pass this tag to 5 bloggers
3.  Make sure that the bloggers you tagged know about this.

1. How many polishes do you have?

I have hit the 75 mark now. That means I've acquired 20 from my last tag. Not that bad for two months.

2. What is your favorite brand of nail polish?

Of course it's China Glaze. I'm a true fan girl!

3. Do you like crackle nail polish, or do you hate it?

I used to like it more, but now I'm kinda over it. But hate is pretty harsh. I would still wear it from time to time.

4. What is your first nail polish brand?

My first polish was a Maybelline. But the first brand I had more of is S-he Stylezone.

5. If you're going to have a nail polish line, what are you gonna name it?

Not sure if Lacquer Buzz would be a proper name. Would have to think really hard about this. It took me some time to come up with the name for my blog too.

6. What nail polish color does not compliment you?

I don't like how gold and copper shades look on me. Luckily, I don't really like those colors either.

7. What color does compliment you?

Blue is my top color. I would say darker colors look best on my skin tone.

8. Name two of your best nail art friends.
I don't have any. The people I'm friends with aren't into nail art.

9. What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
It was, hands down, Revlon Facets of Fuchsia. It was actually a giveaway win, but I love it to pieces and can't imagine not having it in my collection.

10. Make a speech about thanking the blogger who tagged you.

Thank you Rachel! It is actually the first time someone tags me specifically. I'm flattered that I was one of your top five choices!

Now for the five bloggers I'm tagging, I think I'll go with those ladies that read my posts all the time and comment  constantly. Here they are: 

Esther @ Fab Fingertips
Boarbb @ Bottles of dreams
Julie @ Turtlechick's Nails N Tales
Marisa @ Polish Obsession

Yeah, I've cheated a bit. I've tagged only 4 bloggers. I didn't want to tag anyone that doesn't want to be tagged. If you wanna do this tag, don't mind the rules, just do it! Also, stay tuned because I have another post in store for you today! Have a great Sunday!

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