Ulta 3 Spring/Summer 2011 collection Part 2

Alrightly then.  Here is part two of the collection. I've put all the greens together so you can compare them.

Tahitian lime - three coats, no top coat, full sun.  A bright lime green.  Yellower than Jelly, but also much more opaque. I'm not too sure about this colour, it's really, really green.  And we all know it's not easy being green.  In fact it really is kermit the frog green!

Mermaid green - two coats, SV top coat, full sun.  This is a really pretty blue green creme.  I'm sure there would be other brands that have similar a colour, but I don't own many creme polishes in other brands, cause I generally wear shimmers, flakes, glass flecks or holos. So if you know what other colours it looks like, please let me know.

Mojito - yuuummm yes please. Two coats, no top coat, full sun.  I'm finding it really hard to describe all these different green shades.  But hey, you can see what colour it is, right?  I probably should have done a third coat on this one, it's not streaky or anything, but I can see VNL.  Does that make it a jelly polish?

Orchid - one coat, no top coat, full sun.  Orchid feels a little like the odd man out.  I feel like singing  in sesame street tunes "One of these shades is not like the others, one of these shades just doesn't belong, can you tell me which ..." and so on.  So yeah, here we have an amazing purple shimmer, in with a bunch of creams.  

Remember the Autum/Winter collection with all the fever polishes.  They were all shimmers with the exception of one purple creme.  And now here is the purple shimmer in amongst all the cremes?

Anyway, to me, this polish is the stand out.  This is only one coat.  The formula of this one was so much easier to work with than all the others, and although it uses the same brush, it didn't drag.  If you only grab one of these polishes, this is the one to get.

I loved it so much that I decided to stamp it with China Glaze 2030, using a Bundle Monster plate and wear it for a few days.

I've worn this mani for three days now and am pleased to say that the staying power of this polish still seems to be great.  I was worried that because they are now made in China that they would go all chippy and horrible, but if this one is anything to go by, it was great.  I wore it with:
  • Orly bonder base
  • one coat of Orchid
  • stamped with CH 2030
  • Seche Vite top coat.

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