OMG, Gosh it's a 509-61 holo - Spectraflair franken

Here is the straight silver holo I frankened.  I wanted to see if I could create a two coater, solid linear silver holo, and see how it compared to Gosh holo, Nfu Oh 61, Ozotic 509 and CG OMG.  

I'm officially calling it 'Moonstone', because on the swatch stick it looks really similar to CG OMG, and when I first swatched OMG, my mum kept saying "Oh, I love that one, it has a real moonstone look". 

I'm certainly not going to all this a franken fail, cause it's still really nice and I know a lot of people would kill to have a silver holo like this. But I'm not too sure if this really shows off the Spectraflair to the best of it ability.  Why? Cause I did what I say not to, that is, I added lots of spectraflair.  Maybe two or three times more than I should.  Certainly way more than what JDSU advised with the 1% loading.

I also wanted to try out using a french nude as part of the base to see how it would stay in suspension. Anyway, pictures first.

Recipe. This time in an empty Ulta3 bottle which is 13.5ml
  • half a bottle of clear polish
  • half a bottle of my sheerish french nude shade - really old no brand label on it.
  • 8 rather heaped straw spoonfuls of Spectraflair coarse grade
I'm not sure if using the french polish as a base also contributed to making this less holoy, or whether it's just because I used too much spectraflair.  Compared to my tan/beige coloured holo this looks rather drab. 

But using half a bottle of french nude certainly made it stay in suspension really well.  I don't have to shake this bottle at all.   Maybe I should have used the french nude as the base for the coloured polishes, rather than the silver?

I tell you, it's really hard not to want to add more spectraflair.  I was thinking "just a little bit more and it might be more holoie", "just a little more"... "Doh, too much".  And of course you can't take it out once it's in.  I also didn't swatch on finger as I was going, which I always do now.   When I get some real suspension base, I'm going to try another silver holo, and I wont be putting as much spectraflair in.

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