B&W Mini Self-Challenge: Day 1

Using the supplies from my previous post, I've put together something I'm excited about. The concept rocks, but I still need to brood on the best taping strategies. You'll see that the cuticles got a little ignored by Black on Black, but by the time I had un-taped and cleaned up enough to notice the oversights, I was pretty drained. So abandoned they'll remain. Poor cuties.

This manicure was actually inspired by Bundle Monster, and its first nail plates I bought. The pattern is from plate BM21, and it's one of the designs that isn't large enough to cover the whole nail of most girls, including me and my nubs. So, I sandwiched the pattern that did stick between two pillars of black. It reminds me of a decadent floor tile somewhere. The kind of place that would have a grand piano and at least one harp player. Maybe even a butler.

So I'll get some more taping practice, and revisit this another time. Not bad for a first attempt though! I just wish my nails were a bit longer, then it would look more delicate.

Oh, the white you're seeing is French White Creme from Wet n' Wild. It took quite a few coats to get it solid without streaking. So unfortunately, I won't be using it for stamping (which is why I originally bought it.) So far, Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri Whirlwind White is best for that.

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