Zoya Halloween Order Gone Awry

Before reading, please understand that I am forgiving, and will likely be trying Zoya again. I've heard amazing things about their polish, and I understand this was not their normal procedure. However...

Did you place an order using the zoyatreat coupon code I mentioned in this post? Did you try to place more than one using that code? If you did, your orders are probably on hold, like mine have been for the past two weeks.

Apparently, they got so many orders with that code, that their system was not catching anything that was abnormal. I never got a warning when I placed my second order that I was not allowed to use the coupon code more than one, so payments went through no problem, and I eagerly awaited my package. After some time had passed, I checked my account, and under "My Unshipped Orders", I saw both of my orders, sitting there, taking up space.

I contacted someone from Zoya when I saw this, and received an email a few days later telling me that coupon codes were only allowed once per customer. He then said "Since you inquired about this and have brought it to my attention, I am able to cancel one of the orders and release the other." I didn't reply, figuring that one would be selected for me and the other would be cancelled, since he stated that is what the system normally does automatically anyway.

Fast forward another 4 days. I check my account again, and they're still sitting in the "My Unshipped Orders" menu. Come on! Ship my damn polish already! I sent another email, this time asking if I was supposed to indicate which order I wanted to have shipped and which I wanted to be held. He wrote back almost immediately, explaining that this was abnormal for them and that the order I indicated would be shipped.

It was not made clear to me in the first email that I had the choice of which order I wanted shipped and which I didn't. So now, finally, after almost two weeks of placing my order, I was told "Your extra "zoyatreat" order has been cancelled and I have put in a request to have the other "zoyatreat" order released.

So, lessons learned. Zoya only allows one coupon code per registered user. If you want to use the code more than once, enlist a loved one that doesn't have a polish obsession to get that second order in for you (I'm looking at you boyfriends).

Also, this is my first Zoya experience, and I'm not happy. The lack of communication made me upset. He stated in his email that since the system got so many orders, there was no way they could catch all the customers who used the code twice. So, they "instead gave the customers time to notice this and they would then have the option of which order was cancelled" (though there was no indication in the first email that I had this option). He continues: "If an order was not cancelled by the customer and we were not notified as to which order to cancel, our system would have automatically cancelled one of the two orders and released the other" (though who knows how long it would've taken the system to even notice).

The emails I got were apologetic, and I understand that it was a busy day since it was such a good deal. I appreciate that, but I'm still not a big Zoya fan after this experience. I would think that by offering such an obviously outrageous deal, they would've prepared their staff and system for the impending amount of orders that were about to come in.

I wish this experience wasn't as annoying as it was, but it was, and I thought it worth mentioning so none of you made the mistake of trying to use a coupon code more than once. Even if the system accepts both orders, and accepts both payments, it will inevitably fail and kick back one of the orders.

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