Hits Holographic - Artemis

Here is the last of the Hits Holographic polishes, the silver holo Artemis. I also have Hefesto, the top coat, which I have used a couple of times already, and showed it on the Mish Mash comparison post.

Artemis is similar to Hermes, in that it is a metallic holo.  Hermes is the gold version, Artemis is the silver version.  As you can see, where the light hits this polish it is metallic and reflective.  I like the finish a lot cause it means the polish looks a bit more interesting in low light.

The holo effect, because of the metallic base, isn't as prominent as some of the other colours in this collection.

Formula was good for this one, nice and smooth. It is still a sheer polish though. This was three coats and there was still a visible nail line.

So here is yet another silver holo comparison.  I chose the polishes from my collection that may be the most similar.  From left to right: Artemis, China Glaze OMG, Ozotic 509 and s 1500-20 Spranken.  

My original spectrafranken is the closest match. Ozotic 509 the most holo, and China Glaze OMG has much, much finer particles.  All these were three coats.

To sum up the Hits Holographics collection in one word.  Amazeballs! or should I use Awesomesauce! either way, this is a top notch collection which you should try to get your hands on if you can.  

I'm so happy I've made some lovely contacts in Brazil (you know who you are!) who I can do nail polish swaps with.  Brazil have some fantastic polish lines and collections and I have some more coming in the mail to me soon.  I can't wait.

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